Friday, December 2, 2016

Religion and Politics: A Bond Not So Hand-To-Hand

In an ever-growing world, religion in politics are restricting the United States to expand. In actuality, Religion playing a part in this democracy has divided a nation of parties against each other. The topics at hand in congress or at the polls are in a different division than religion. Yes, people use religion as a moral factor for candidates and political figures,but the greater majority of the US society is greatly separated from any kind of religion; The divorce with religion has resulted in a pagan self-worshiping Americans. Myself falling short in the relationship with religion.

With a "liberal win" of the legalization of gay marriage in 2015, fueled  a religion backed heated debate between Christian democrats and Catholic Republicans. The left wing liberals seek a forward movement toward contemporary Christianity for the greater good; on the other hand, right wing conservatives want to stay true to bible standard by reverting to rules preached in the bible. The promotion of forward progress turns off american citizens because of the acceptance of sins that were disapproved in old testament like being gay.

Why not split politics and Religion?

If every law passed was based on religious reasoning, a large portion of the country will have a disadvantage only because their religion isn't the same with those who passed the law. Going along with a national religion will then go against the first Amendment which gives Americans freedom of religion.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Religion in Politics: Let's Play Devil's Advocate

The free exercise clause in the first amendment written by Thomas Jefferson assures the separation of church and state to protect the rights of the American people; those rights being freedom of religion.

But, what if religion merged with politics?

In recent years, outspoken citizens believe this "what if" is becoming reality as, they say, Barack Obama has sympathized to Muslims. Conspiracies are going as far as to say his sympathy is from himself being Muslim. In actuality, Obama has said in an interview with Time magazine that his father was a Muslim converted atheist. His mother, on the other hand, was a practicing Christian.

The United States having a national religion is what most of the Republican party promote. Republicans defend that having set christian beliefs is what our founding fathers intended.

With a Republican president with a cabinet with the same mindset, a national religion might come true.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Stereotypes of a black male misunderstood...and its still all good.

The media is always one sided. Seeing what they want to believe; making viewers only believe this altered reality. Shown in this cartoon, recent incidences paint innocent African-American lives taken to be due to being vicious or aggressive.  On the other hand, A Caucasian suspect with a scholar career from a well off background being killed is seen as a great loss in the eyes of the media. Why is that? 
Back into the cartoon, both 19 year-old men are shown individualized in two slots. On the left side,  the African-American "Unarmed Civilian" is seen in a black hoodie with a censored peace sign as the media does for the middle finger. The hoodie is in reference to the killing of Trayvon Martin, who was seen as a "threat" while walking by a corner store with his hoodie over his head. On the right side, the "Murder Suspect" is shown in a brighter light because he's shown in a cap and gown which infers he is educated. From what is seen, Viewers insert their two sense by having negative comments towards the murdered civilian,but then mourning over the killed murderer. The mugshots only show half of each story. The killed civilian is carrying flowers which implies that he has a softer side. The "nice guy" holds a bloody butcher knife in his dirty arm while holding a bag filled with a body having someone else's hand in sight. 

In Conclusion, the one sided story shown on a daily basis is misleading. Even though the truth is seen in bold letters under the faces, those captions are ignored because of the assumed impressions because of the details in two completely different pictures.              

Friday, October 7, 2016

21st Century Segregation

Image result for genderIn today's society, the roles of gender have been put to extreme ideals through protest in activism. Through the later effects of these cries of aid, the creation of an invisible wall against the opposite "side" is created.

In the words of Rodney King: "Why can't we all just get a long?"

When did the fight for feminism and women equality turn into a hateful attack against men?

Image result for gender gapIn the article Toys Reinforcing Stereotypes, Laurie Peterson writes that her " 5 year-old has become a self appointed gender police officer." Without acknowledgment, the sexes are split from the age of toddlers until adult life through toy's we're told to play with.
With creation of labels with the disappearance of gender on toys, the bond between mutual interests will mend the gender gap in time.

With the thought of sexes being separated from  tender ages, the new way of bringing up children through gender- neutral object in everyday life will create the equality that every one is longing for in this generation.

The future is bright if we make it that way. The step towards neutrality will persuade feminine extremists to become modest due to their concerns being heard. Change is always around the corner in any situation; it all starts with ourselves.

Friday, September 30, 2016

The Gender Role

"I don't have anyone to play with, just the boys!" exclaimed my younger sister as she chose the lonely path at a recent birthday party. There was five adolescent boys swimming and playing catch in the beside my sister while she decided to swim back in forth in the shallow end.

From a young age, children assume that the opposite sex is the enemy. Boys-versus-girls is always a mode of interacting on the playground or even in a civil conversation at an early stage in life.

Why is that? 

The society around us-growing up-makes innocent minded children learn that the right way to live is playfully against each gender. 

The same children learning that precedent in life grow up to live in that same driven society in the 'real world'. In corporate America, men cheat women in earnings as men being the one signing the checks at the end of the day.  The heads of this big corporate chains feel like women aren't fit for the environment or aren't welcomed into that. Who are they to tell women-or anyone in that matter- where they are allowed to be or not?

In households nationwide, the children who grown up divided will then have children on their own. Some parents choose to teach their children not to be so narrow-minded; but others, never let the precedent die. The way of life never conforms in society,so the world around us won't ever change on the playful joke of being against each other. 

As for my sister, an open mind will be unlocked through the morals and breaking of standards in our household.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Stigma of Education

In lower income areas of the United States, having higher education is frowned upon due to people thinking you're trying to become "better" than them. Trying to achieve your full potential is shunned from an angry and negative environment. Ironically, getting that collegiate level learning will help younger generations get out of a struggle or cycle that they're born into.

Taking education for granted is such an american action. A topic in heated discussion, as of writing this, is NFL Quarterback, Colin Kapernick, taking a knee during the playing of the National Anthem. These examples wouldn't happen in a country fairly new to their own independence or starting up their education system. Education being view as an opportunity for a better future is a fear that's common in urban living quarters because it's an unknown resource. At the same time, how are curious students going to take the next step if they become hesitant because of their families?

This world can be as beautiful as we make it. Staying dark and negative isn't helping anyone, but just is numbing society of what's really going on. The generation of now is small minded and only here to 'feel good'. With a lifetime career in education, materialistic items will be more convenient; Consequently, that's when free will comes into play. What would you do?

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The Struggle with the Love of Education

"Hard work pays off"

I was always told to graduate college with a degree; but, for what? I personally haven't met anyone who has had more success after achieving higher education. "Go to college, go to college, then get some more college" is the advice given to me when conversations of the future are brought up.

Developing idea and expressing a common feeling is a joy in classrooms for myself. Finding x in linear equation after thirty minutes is what I love about education. connecting imaginary dots in my mind through a unique flow from step-to-step procedures is what I seek to solve in anything I do. Connecting that type of interest to a real life career is ironically not connecting. Working my tail off is just the default answer when I'm unsure about taking time to figure out what education is as a whole. My "head in the clouds" attitude will come back to bite me if I don't think of my next strategic move in education or outside of education.

To try and wrap  this up, putting your all in whatever you do will give never harm your growth in life; so, go big or go home. I just have to find what I want to run with and start sprinting.In reality, your future isn't based on your education, but the experience that comes along with it.