Friday, November 25, 2016

Religion in Politics: Let's Play Devil's Advocate

The free exercise clause in the first amendment written by Thomas Jefferson assures the separation of church and state to protect the rights of the American people; those rights being freedom of religion.

But, what if religion merged with politics?

In recent years, outspoken citizens believe this "what if" is becoming reality as, they say, Barack Obama has sympathized to Muslims. Conspiracies are going as far as to say his sympathy is from himself being Muslim. In actuality, Obama has said in an interview with Time magazine that his father was a Muslim converted atheist. His mother, on the other hand, was a practicing Christian.

The United States having a national religion is what most of the Republican party promote. Republicans defend that having set christian beliefs is what our founding fathers intended.

With a Republican president with a cabinet with the same mindset, a national religion might come true.

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