Friday, November 4, 2016

Stereotypes of a black male misunderstood...and its still all good.

The media is always one sided. Seeing what they want to believe; making viewers only believe this altered reality. Shown in this cartoon, recent incidences paint innocent African-American lives taken to be due to being vicious or aggressive.  On the other hand, A Caucasian suspect with a scholar career from a well off background being killed is seen as a great loss in the eyes of the media. Why is that? 
Back into the cartoon, both 19 year-old men are shown individualized in two slots. On the left side,  the African-American "Unarmed Civilian" is seen in a black hoodie with a censored peace sign as the media does for the middle finger. The hoodie is in reference to the killing of Trayvon Martin, who was seen as a "threat" while walking by a corner store with his hoodie over his head. On the right side, the "Murder Suspect" is shown in a brighter light because he's shown in a cap and gown which infers he is educated. From what is seen, Viewers insert their two sense by having negative comments towards the murdered civilian,but then mourning over the killed murderer. The mugshots only show half of each story. The killed civilian is carrying flowers which implies that he has a softer side. The "nice guy" holds a bloody butcher knife in his dirty arm while holding a bag filled with a body having someone else's hand in sight. 

In Conclusion, the one sided story shown on a daily basis is misleading. Even though the truth is seen in bold letters under the faces, those captions are ignored because of the assumed impressions because of the details in two completely different pictures.              

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